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A Modern Twist on Health Insurance

Defined Benefits Health Plan Features

  •  Lifetime Policy Maximum $5 Million

  •  Three Calendar year Maximums: $250K, $500K, $1 Million

  •  Multiple Benefit Levels to Choose from: Value, Preferred, Premier

  •  Unique Zero Deductible, Copay, Coinsurance on all Outpatient Benefits

  •  Guaranteed Renewal to Age 65

  • Flexible Hospital Inpatient Deductibles to match budget: $0 – $10K 

  • Annual Premium Increases 3% or less last 6 years

  • Available for Individuals and Groups

Consumer Driven Health Plan Benefits

Benefits featured are based on 2 units of HSP Gold and are available with select plans.


Doctor Visits & Pharmacy Benefit


  • Choose your Doctor from All US Licensed Physicians

  • Pays $120 for 18 visits per Insured per calendar year, includes 6 chiro. visits  No Deductible or Copay

  • Pays $150 for 2 Specialists visits per calendar year

  • Generic Drugs $20 per day Brand Name Drugs $40 per day


Preventative Wellness Care Benefit


  • Benefit starts 60 days after policy Effective Date

  • Pays $250 for Mammograms per calendar year & $500 for a Colonoscopy

  • Pays Additional $250 for other Preventative Services per calendar year


Surgery Benefit


  • Pays for Outpatient & Inpatient Surgeries

  • Pays Outpatient surgical facility $3,500 under general anesthesia or $1,500 local anesthesia

  • Pays Surgeons and Anesthesiologists based on RBRVS code (1x, 2x or 3x)


Hospital Inpatient Benefit

  • Hospital per day benefit up to $4,500 for Injury and $3,000 for Sickness

  • Hospital ICU benefit up to $4,500 per day for 20 days per calendar year

  • Optional First Hospital Admission $6,350 Lump Sum - per calendar yr, 24 hr stay required


Accident & Emergency Benefit

  • Pays $300 for Urgent or Emergency Care 2 times per year

  • Pays up to $4K of Actual Expenses for up to 45 days from the Accident date

  • Ambulance air or ground pays up to $10K of Actual Expenses

  • Optional Benefit Pays up to $26K of Actual Expenses


Catastrophic Diagnosis Benefit

  • Pays Lump Sum Paid upon diagnosis up to $40K per Adult and $10K per child

  • Pays up to $250K Additional of Actual Expenses per calendar year

  • Coverage for Internal Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke, Organ Transplant, Renal Failure

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There is quite a bit of fraud in this industry. NEVER click on an ad on social media, as these are not regulated, and once you click, you may have approved an unknown source to switch your plans. YES, this is happening. ONLY BUY DIRECTLY FROM AN AGENT, verify their identity and experience (as well as their location) at to ensure you are working with a credible agent/broker. Yes, you can check us out. NPN (National Producer Number) 18481856.  Inbound robo calls are also call centers who BOUGHT your information from a random form you may have filled out for a quote as well. AVOID THE CALLS AND THE  CALL CENTERS! Once we enroll you, you are DONE, and can avoid it all! 

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Insurance Solutions

Now Serving Nationwide

Tel: + 936-449-0454

Hours: M-F (9-5pm CST)

Attention: This website is operated by Tish Zitzow Health Insurance Associates, LLC. In offering this website, Tish Zitzow Health Insurance Associates, LLC is required to comply with all applicable federal laws, including the standards established under 45 CFR 155.220(c) and (d) and standards established under 45 CFR 155.260 to protect the privacy and security of personally identifiable information. This website may not display all data on Qualified Health Plans being offered in your state. To see all available data on Qualified Health Plan options in your state, go to the Health Insurance Marketplace website at

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